Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let them eat....cupcakes.

My mother's 50th was this past March, so I was able to have some cake-making practice.

My dad thought I'd bought the flowers. I made them. It's a small victory.

My cupcake tier came in the mail lat month! It's a 6-tier that will hold about 150 cupcakes. I'm going to make the 4" cake on the top. Here we go!

Mom's still trying to get me to go to Guss' Goodies. It's a challenge now.

An eye for an "e."

I really don't care that there's a mistake on my wedding invitations. Is that bad? You tell me.

Here's the text the future hubby and I prepared before we sent it out to the printers. Read and be in awe:

This is what we got when the invitations came in:

Did you catch it? I sure didn't. I signed the proofs with the carefree innocence of a newborn babe. I didn't even catch it when I picked the box of invites up. And then I got home.

"Isn't there an "e" on the end of "Bellaire"?" My dad asks.

I thought he was messing with me. But he was right. Crap.

I think of what I can get away with-will anyone notice? I test it on my sisters and random friends. They didn't notice until I told them about it. One friend typed it into her GPS, and she didn't correct her spelling. It got her to the church. If you type it into google, it auto-corrects. But it gets you there.

I want to get away with it because I'm cheap. :) Buying invitations AGAIN for an "e" seems so silly. And after the wedding, who the heck is going to remember if it was spelled wrong anyway?

But apparently, this is the seventh deadliest wedding sin. If Dante were around, he'd probably have put me into some low level of Hell.

Where this hits me (metaphorically) below the belt, is that these invitations were generously paid for by a friend. And now we have to re-order. And of course, that friend cannot be expected to pay again.

So I picked them up yesterday. My parents shelled out $120.00 for an e. They're so proud.