Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Mother In-Law from Hell

So as I was contemplating the pain involved in a Brazilian (cough), I let my idle mind stray from wedding-ish things to the daily blogroll. And there I found wedding-related stories! Apparently there’s no escaping it once it’s crunch time.

If I have ever complained about my future in-laws, I take it all back. Because this story just takes the cake. Imagine the Devil Wears Prada on speed. Apparently, a future bride and mother-in-law had a slight altercation, and an email was sent. Well, the bride-to-be was so taken aback that she sent it to her friend. Who sent it to her friend, and on and on until it was viral and made headline news.

Here is is, in all it's astounding glory:

The mail online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2009518/Carolyn-Bourne-Mother-law-hell-sends-email-bride-Heidi-Withers.html

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Count your blessings, I guess! Oh, British people.
