Sunday, May 29, 2011

Shower Shenanigans

Imagine a fluffy, tan carpet. Now imagine raspberries. Oooooh….

The wedding shower is over. We made it through. With a few stains, but that’s what makes these things so epic.

My mother did an excellent job- she hosted it at our house and set it up like a fancy tea-party. My sisters and I had bets on who would be the first to spill/ drop something on my mom’s carpet. We saw my cousin (who will remain unnamed) drop her entire parfait when she went to sit down. It was like a slow-motion drama. I could see the look of “Oh my Gooooood” in her eyes as the cup flipped over. She cleaned it up and ate the rest of her meal in the kitchen. She’s older than me, and I’m 23. Just sayin’.

But, to my surprise, she wasn’t the only one to drop the little parfait cup. Apparently, one of my esteemed coworkers chased a rolling raspberry around the room before I walked in. This little fact came out at work the day after, and she burst out laughing at her desk. I can’t imagine her stooping over a tiny piece of fruit in her platforms and office dress- while balancing a teacup. It’s like a scene from Fantasia.

I got some nice stuff. People should pretend to be getting married, collect all of the shit they can, and then leave the state. My fiancé called me with cries of, “What’d we get? What’d we get!?” It’s like Christmas.

I made personal thank-you cards with my scrapbooking material, just to give everyone something different.

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